Presidents Day Spring Prep Clinic - Grades 6-8
Coached by Black Cat Fastpitch and current/former college softball athletes!
Get tryout ready in this intense 4-hour clinic! You'll leave with a laser-like throw, a standout swing, impressive glove work, and elite footwork -PLUS- learn how to be the smartest baserunner at your school!
Presidents Day Spring Prep Clinic - Grades 2-5
Coached by Black Cat Fastpitch and current/former college softball athletes!
Review proper overhand, fielding, and hitting technique then put it to work in challenging, fast-paced exercises requiring you to think on your feet and face your fears!
Presidents Day Pitching Fundamentals
Coached by Black Cat Fastpitch and current/former college softball athletes!
​This class is excellent for:
-Beginner pitchers with and without experience
-8u/10u/12u pitchers wanting to check out Black Cat
-Athletes curious about pitching or transitioning to kid pitch!