At Black Cat Fastpitch, we take our time in getting to know each individual athlete and their personal nuances which go beyond the complexity of mechanical form. Both Coach Jen and Coach Leigh are Certified Tincher Pitching (TM) instructors dedicated to implementing techniques and mechanics that are attuned to the female athlete's body composition.
Our informed approach is well beyond the norm, from our knowledge of the cause of injuries, to the necessary trajectories for elite performance. In training, we'll cover high-level training concepts such as vision training and mental approaches in hitting, as well as tunneling, pitch design, speed, spin, command, and deception for pitchers. Our catchers will learn the latest framing and stance techniques that are specifically designed to work for them, and we'll teach you what actually matters in your recruiting process.
​For more information, pricing, or to schedule with us, contact us at blackcatfastpitch@gmail.com
Athletes seeking training at Black Cat Fastpitch will be asked to complete a 60-to-90-minute evaluation. Coach Leigh or Jen will discuss mechanics, mentality, approach, goals, trajectory, major and minor issues, and a plan for moving forward. At the end of your evaluation, we'll make recommendations on how to move forward through our training services.
Once your evaluation lesson is complete, you'll be provided with a private online scheduling link to schedule lessons at your own convenience. Our hours and availability vary depending upon the time of year it is.